How to Inflate Safety Sausage Underwater
There are many important skills you learn during your Open Water Course. One of them is how to inflate a safety sausage (otherwise known [...]
There are many important skills you learn during your Open Water Course. One of them is how to inflate a safety sausage (otherwise known [...]
It’s pretty common to see people smoking before scuba diving and you might think, “Well, if all of these people are doing it, it [...]
Got the travel bug? Well then, you probably are buzzing to have new experiences and to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Maybe [...]
Labuan Bajo es conocida como la ciudad portuaria y la puerta de entrada a los dragones de Komodo, así como increíbles viajes de buceo [...]
Labuan Bajo is known as the port city and gateway to the Komodo dragons as well as beautiful snorkeling and dive trips in the [...]
Por qué no deberíamos comer (tanto) pescado. "Dos tercios de las poblaciones de peces del mundo se pescan al límite o se pescan en [...]
Why we shouldn’t eat (that much) fish. "Two-thirds of the world's fish stocks are either fished at their limit or over fished. The UN [...]
Indonesia se está volcando hacia la conservación, protegiendo entree otras especies a las mantas que deambulan por los mares circundantes. Los encuentros con las [...]
Indonesia is turning towards conservation and protecting the graceful manta rays that roam the surrounding seas. Manta ray encounters are truly memorable and have [...]
Do you get underwater and notice that you don’t have the power you feel like you should have? Are you kicking and not really [...]