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dive expeditions!


Join Sarah for upcoming

dive expeditions!


Scuba & vanlife adventures on YouTube!

Subscribe for silly, educational scuba diving videos filled with honest stories from the road. If you’d like to collaborate with Sarah, send an email.

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Dive with Azul Unlimited

Join Sarah on one of the upcoming Azul Unlimited dive expeditions where you will explore a beautiful location in a small group. Learn about local ecosystems, cultures, and become part of the Azul scuba community. Sarah will be with you every step of the way, offering support on land and underwater.

scuba diving expeditions Azul Unlimited
marketing and business for scuba divers

Diversify Your Income

Learn how to make money in person and online as a scuba diver. Join Sarah for this unique workshop about building your own brand, working as a travel agent, contracting your skills, working as a dive professional, and owning a dive shop.

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¿Cuánto ganan los instructores de buceo?

By |January 27th, 2019|Categories: Blog|

Muchas personas se van de vacaciones a un hermoso lugar tropical, prueban el buceo y se enamoran del océano. Ven a su instructor viviendo esta increíble vida de playa, sol y buen rollo. Todo lo que pueden pensar es, "¿cómo hago lo que ellos están haciendo" y "es realmente posible mantener ese tipo de vida?" Aunque muchas personas prueban la vida como instructores de buceo y terminan haciéndolo solo [...]

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How Much Do Scuba Instructors Make?

By |January 27th, 2019|Categories: Blog|

Many people go on vacation to a beautiful, tropical place, try scuba diving and fall in love with the ocean. They see their instructor living this incredible life of beach, sun and good vibes. All they can think is, ‘how do I do what they’re doing?’ ‘is it really possible to maintain that kind of life?’ and of course, 'what is a scuba diving instructor salary?' Although a lot [...]

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Deep Blue reaparece en Hawaii

By |January 20th, 2019|Categories: Blog|

En los últimos días las redes sociales están que arden. Deep Blue reaparece en Hawaii, el mayor ejemplar de tiburón blanco jamas filmado y con la suerte de que Ocean Ramsey estaba allí para unos increíbles videos nadando junto a este increíble animal. La manipulación mediante la información a medias Todos sabemos que las redes sociales nos venden lo que [...]

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Dive the Komodo National Park with Our Partner Company

PADI 5 Star IDC Center, Azul Komodo is the #1 spot in Indonesia to get your scuba diving training and explore spectacular dive sites. The manta rays, sharks, turtles and currents are waiting for you in Komodo!