Moving to Indonesia?
5 Things you should know If you are interested in the expatriate life of living abroad, moving to Indonesia is a great option. [...]
5 Things you should know If you are interested in the expatriate life of living abroad, moving to Indonesia is a great option. [...]
Sin duda el mareo en el mar es una sensación terriblemente desagradable, Ya sea previo al momento de bucear, durante la propia inmersión o [...]
Dizziness in the sea is undoubtedly a terribly unpleasant sensation, either before the time of diving, during the dive itself or later, the truth [...]
Si Komodo es conocido por algo, ¡definitivamente son las fuertes corrientes! La opinión general de las mejores inmersiones en corriente de Komodo variará de [...]
If Komodo is known for anything, it’s definitely the strong currents! The general opinion of the best drift dives in Komodo will vary from [...]
¿Alguna vez has visto un pez escorpión? ¡Quizás sí, pero no lo sabías! Los peces escorpión son muy buenos para esconderse en los lugares [...]
Have you ever seen a scorpionfish? Perhaps you have, but you did not know it! Scorpionfish are very good at hiding in the places [...]
Si buceas de forma regular o tu entorno esta relacionado con el buceo, seguramente hayas oído casos extraños en los que un buzo ha [...]
If you dive regularly or your work is diving related, surely you have heard strange cases in which a diver has suffered decompression sickness [...]
Sharks have been around for about 450 million years, and now they may face extinction due to human actions in just a few decades. [...]