Headache after Diving
Headaches after diving are pretty common and most of scuba divers experience some headaches during their diving careers. Nonetheless, you don’t want to let [...]
Headaches after diving are pretty common and most of scuba divers experience some headaches during their diving careers. Nonetheless, you don’t want to let [...]
Sin duda, un mantenimiento regular y adecuado de nuestro equipo de buceo nos garantizará por un lado que se encuentra en perfectas condiciones para [...]
Without a doubt, regular and adequate maintenance of your diving equipment will help you maintain its good condition for regular use. Keeping up with [...]
Estas planeando tu proximo viaje de buceo y una de tus pesadillas es el llegar a tu destino totalmente congestionado!! A todos nos ha [...]
Imagine you are planning your next dive trip and one of your nightmares is to arrive at your destination totally congested!! Everyone has had [...]
You’ve made the decision to become a scuba instructor and now you’re looking at different instructor and specialty packages. You may have your eyes [...]
Probablemente los hayas visto antes y, sin duda, hayas sido advertido de los peligros que representan al proteger a sus crías, pero ¿cuánto sabes [...]
You have probably seen them before. You have probably been warned of the dangers they pose when protecting their young too. But how much [...]
5 Things you should know If you are interested in the expatriate life of living abroad, moving to Indonesia is a great option. [...]
Sin duda el mareo en el mar es una sensación terriblemente desagradable, Ya sea previo al momento de bucear, durante la propia inmersión o [...]