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Join Sarah on one of the upcoming Azul Unlimited dive expeditions where you will explore a beautiful location in a small group. Learn about local ecosystems, cultures, and become part of the Azul scuba community. Sarah will be with you every step of the way, offering support on land and underwater.

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marketing and business for scuba divers

Diversify Your Income

Learn how to make money in person and online as a scuba diver. Join Sarah for this unique workshop about building your own brand, working as a travel agent, contracting your skills, working as a dive professional, and owning a dive shop.

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Dugong habitat in the Komodo National Park

By |May 5th, 2019|Categories: Blog|

Dugongs, also known as sea cows, sirens or mermaids of the seas, are mammals that you can find in the warm coastal areas in the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. One Dugong habitat in Indonesia is found right here in the Komodo National Park. We are lucky because sometimes we can spot them in some of our most frequented dive sites.  Dugongs’ [...]

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Habitat de los dugongs en Komodo

By |May 5th, 2019|Categories: Blog|

Los dugongs, o como también se les llama vacas marinas, sirenas o sirenas de los mares, son mamíferos que se pueden encontrar en las cálidas zonas costeras del Mar Rojo, Océano Índico y Océano Pacífico. Están relacionados con otras especies como los manatíes, pero te sorprenderá saber que son parientes cercanos de los elefantes. Tenemos suerte porque a veces podemos verlos en el Parque Nacional de Komodo en algunos [...]

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April – Our First Month in Review

By |April 29th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Month in Review|

One month after officially opening our doors, we find ourselves scuba diving in Komodo with the best first clients we could’ve asked for.  Azul Unlimited is a reality! In this first month, we have gotten to give people their first diving experiences through Discover Scuba Diving and the full Open Water Course. We have helped other divers advance their skills with the Advanced Open Water Course. We have also [...]

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Dive the Komodo National Park with Our Partner Company

PADI 5 Star IDC Center, Azul Komodo is the #1 spot in Indonesia to get your scuba diving training and explore spectacular dive sites. The manta rays, sharks, turtles and currents are waiting for you in Komodo!