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dive expeditions!
Join Sarah for upcoming
dive expeditions!
Scuba & vanlife adventures on YouTube!
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Dive with Azul Unlimited
Join Sarah on one of the upcoming Azul Unlimited dive expeditions where you will explore a beautiful location in a small group. Learn about local ecosystems, cultures, and become part of the Azul scuba community. Sarah will be with you every step of the way, offering support on land and underwater.
Moving to Indonesia?
5 Things you should know If you are interested in the expatriate life of living abroad, moving to Indonesia is a great option. The weather is beautiful, there is a growing tourist industry in which foreigners can usually find work and the cost of living is low. However, as with living in any country outside of your birth country, moving to Indonesia does give some difficulties. Before making [...]
Buceo y Mareo
Sin duda el mareo en el mar es una sensación terriblemente desagradable, Ya sea previo al momento de bucear, durante la propia inmersión o posteriormente, lo cierto es que es una patología relativamente frecuente que en general no tiene consecuencias importantes pero que puede ser muy molesto. Por ello conviene saber a qué nos enfrentamos. El mareo en el mar es un tipo de mareo por movimiento y es [...]
Dizziness and Diving
Dizziness in the sea is undoubtedly a terribly unpleasant sensation, either before the time of diving, during the dive itself or later, the truth is that it is a relatively frequent pathology that, in general, does not have huge consequences but can be very annoying. That is why it is convenient to know what we are facing. Dizziness in the sea is a type of motion sickness. On a [...]
Dive the Komodo National Park with Our Partner Company
PADI 5 Star IDC Center, Azul Komodo is the #1 spot in Indonesia to get your scuba diving training and explore spectacular dive sites. The manta rays, sharks, turtles and currents are waiting for you in Komodo!