A note on sidemount diving and why I take so much gear Many people comment on why I take [...]
A note on sidemount diving and why I take so much gear Many people comment on why I take [...]
Be prepared for your next boat trip A few people in my Patreon community didn’t know what a negative [...]
Embracing the quiet Ever since the Azul Unlimited YouTube channel began, I have been concerned about injecting value into [...]
Let’s talk about SAC (Surface Air Consumption) and RMV (Respiratory Minute Volume), what’s the difference, and how to calculate them. [...]
Failing the Freediving course hit me hard... Freediving or Rebreather??? The cool thing about freediving vs scuba diving [...]
Plus equipment and training tips! The right configuration for the type of desired diving Making the transition from [...]
Swimming in whale shark soup... Dive adventures in Los Cabos In this article, I’m covering the must-see spots [...]
Would you jump in the water with bull sharks? Vanlife in Cabo Pulmo After 3 weeks in Cabo [...]
Scuba diving passion or masochism? Sweet reunions I finally made it to Cabo San Lucas where I met [...]
Everyone has struggled with trim and buoyancy at some point in their scuba diving career. One of my Patrons asked for buoyancy tips while [...]