Returning to the USA and vanlife

After over a month of traveling in Indonesia, I finally returned to my van and life on the road. The summer heat wave was beating down on my normal route north, so I decided to take a slow, winding trip up Highway 1.

On previous trips to Washington, I have chosen the shortest path, slept alongside the road to save money on gas, and never stopped for anything ‘unnecessary.’ This time, I let myself explore a little more.

The chilly, foggy mornings made for perfect conditions to process everything that happened in Indonesia. I spent my days driving and evenings editing footage. Abby and I explored forests, beaches, and random viewpoints along the way.

But I couldn’t dawdle too long… Before leaving California, I signed up for a course in Seattle. It was a big investment in myself and the clock was ticking.

The beginning of the end of this type of nomadic living

I passed some of the drive time listening to a book I chose for my Patreon book club, but honestly, I drove a lot of the way in silence. Driving north means something different this year. This is the beginning of a new chapter for Azul Unlimited. My dreams have been filled with a new kind of nomadic life: one that is primarily based on the water. I don’t have any sailing experience, but my heart has been pushing me towards sailboat life for over a year. If you know anything about me at this point, you know I work my butt off to reach my goals.

However, I also know that I don’t know anything so before committing to a sailboat purchase, I decided to take the American Sailing Association 101 class, which teaches basic sailing practices.

What is ASA 101?

The course is split into 2 full days of classroom and practical work. We had a team of 4, plus our instructor and we learned the basics of hoisting the sails, manning the helm, and understanding right of way. The moment we got the sails up and turned off the engine, I knew I was cooked. A deep exhale went through the whole team and peace settled in as we began moving the boat with the power of the wind.

We learned maneuvering basics of points of sail and moving through the wind with tacks and jibes—all while taking in the scenery of the Puget Sound.

I knew right then and there that I would start the search for a sailboat to live on.

The course also covers high-level navigational skills and understanding the wind/currents. Still, there is a lot to learn on these topics. I’m confident this will be one of those skills I will continue to hone throughout my lifetime.

What does the ASA 101 certification allow you to do?

By the end of the course, I felt confident I could crew a sailboat. A lot of sailing comes down to familiarity with the vocabulary and dynamics of a sailboat. The first time the boat heeled (when the boat leans or tilts due to the wind’s pressure on the sails) it definitely didn’t feel safe or comfortable, and getting that experience with an instructor was helpful for my confidence.

Many more ASA courses allow sailors to gain the experience required to rent boats through clubs. Since renting hasn’t been on my radar, I decided to hold off on that expense and use that money toward my future house.

The confusing world of sailing

The sailing world is not easy to understand or navigate for beginners. There is a lot of confusing information online about certifications needed or how to move up in the ranks toward a captain’s license and beyond. The ocean is still very much the Wild West, especially when you own a boat and use it for pleasure. That being said, some places do have established laws. For example, I will need a boating license to operate a vessel in Washington. I can get that and be done as long as my goal is just to cruise on my own boat with friends. In the future, if I want to take paying customers out, I would work towards my captain’s license (colloquially known as a 6 pack).

There is a lot to consider when searching for a sailboat, so my goal is to learn as much as I can, but also not to get stuck in the shopping phase. My budget is limited so although I want to be picky, I have to be flexible.

With this search, I’m settling into a different life. One that is a bit more grounded… where I have a home base for a while. And with that home base, I’m taking advantage of all the opportunities that come with it, like a beautiful local community and more live music than I’ve had access to in years.

Join me on upcoming Azul Unlimited dive expeditions

See what trips are coming up. I always give my community first dibs on spots, so you can sign up for Patreon (and get trip discounts) or my email list to be the first to know about new expeditions in the future.

scuba diving trip to los cabos
whale shark snorkel trip to la paz

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